The world's oldest zoo, located at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, blends culture and nature beautifully. Home to over 500 species, including endangered ones, providing a vital wildlife sanctuary. Admission tickets to Schonbrunn Zoo Vienna. Children aged 0-5 can enter free. Buy Tickets Online & Save.
Opening Hours:
By Public Transport:
If travel by public transport, the zoo can be reached by the following routes:
By Car:
If travel by car, there are two park and ride sites just a few underground stations from the zoo.
Parking lot:
Approximately 7,000 animals call Schönbrunn Zoo home, representing around 600 species, including invertebrates such as ants, spiders, jellyfish, and more.
Approximately 90 keepers care for the animals. On average, the zoo employs around 259 people annually, which corresponds to 203 full-time equivalents.
The best time to see animals is in the morning, as many species are more active early on. Keep in mind that animals may be indoors or outdoors, so check both areas if you don’t spot them right away.
Feeding the animals is not allowed. They are given specially selected food tailored to their needs.
Yes, there are snack bars, cafés, and restaurants. Tirolergarten and Landtmann Park Café are open to all, while others are for zoo visitors only.
There is a first-aid station on Tiergartenallee (opposite the lions). It is open daily during zoo opening hours and staffed by employees of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund.